In your Face(book)

February 7, 2009

We’ve just started a Facebook group called Tritone Jazz Fantasy Campers as a place to keep the friendships going long after the camps end.  If you’re on Facebook and would like to keep in touch with fellow campers, post messages about what you’re up to, promote your projects or whatever, log in and join up.

Picture this Jazz Face in your living room

December 24, 2008

Last year’s Bjorklunden campers will certainly remember Tim Nyberg, the Wisconsin-based visual artist who in 45 minutes, right before our eyes, created two abstract paintings inspired by free jazz played by Tritone’s faculty.  Both paintings knocked us out and one sold immediately.

Tim’s still at it, and his latest work, “Jazz Face,” is currently available.


It’s a striking image–28″ by 22″, acrylic on canvas–and it would make a great last-minute gift for you or a jazz fan in your life.  Tim has priced it at $900, ten percent of which he donates to Habitat for Humanity.

If you’re interested in Jazz Face or curious about Tim’s other work, please contact us at and we’ll put you in touch.

Happy Holidays from the Tritone Guys

December 24, 2008

No matter whether you’re celebrating Christmas or Hannukah or Kwanzaa, we’d like to wish everyone a peaceful and wonderful holiday season.

For us, turning that calendar page into a new year always starts new ideas bubbling (or is that the champagne?).

We’ve got some wonderful plans for this summer. The site’s updated except for a couple of faculty positions, so take a look.  If you like what you see, please come join us.

Have a great holiday and a wonderful winter.  Hope to see you soon.

Fred, Jim, and Bob

Tritone 2009 dates!

August 25, 2008

Mark your calendars, but please don’t sign up electronically yet. We still need to finalize faculty and update our registration form. Please check back around Thanksgiving to register electronically. Thanks!

Jazz at Naz 2009 (Rochester, NY)–July 26-31

Cool at the Lake (Baileys Harbor, WI)–August 9-14

Sleeping rooms in WI are already sold out, but if you’d like to get on the waiting list, please send Bob an e-mail as soon as possible–

Wow, what a week in Wisconsin!

August 25, 2008

Bjorklunden grabs you, doesn’t it? The lake, the lodge, the idyllic setting, the food? Add a great faculty and terrific campers and you’ve got an unbeatable combination. Don’t you wish you could live there and do it all year?

That’s the kind of magic the place brews up every year around this time. But of all those ingredients, the most important is you. There’s something special about jazzers, especially happy ones. As you played or practiced under a stand of trees, or just contemplated, it was clear that this experience was transformative, and many of you expressed that transformation in your evaluations. It was our pleasure.

Thanks very much for joining us this year and thanks to so many of you for already signing up for 2009. We enjoyed seeing you and making jazz with you and we wish you the best for a healthy and happy year.

Thanks, Jazz at Nazzers!

August 3, 2008

Wow, what an experience you created!

And we mean it. Tritone camps are all about what you bring to them, and to Naz this year, you brought a ton–talent, curiosity, humor, modesty, and great good will that filled the place with good feeling and great sounds.

It’s always a joy for us to see old friends return, as so many of you do. And the joy is compounded by introduction to new jazzers, who begin the week as strangers and leave as friends.

You are a terrific bunch of people. And thanks to Gena, who volunteered to compile the e-mail list, you’ll be able to stay in touch all year. That list will be distributed in the next couple days.

Try to keep the magic going at home. With your newfound confidence in your own abilities, seek out others who share your passion for this great music and collaborate. That’s what it’s all about.

Thank you for being so great to work with. You made it a wonderful week for us.

Jim, Bob, and (in absentia), Fred

‘Cool at the Lake’ Status–5 Weeks Out

July 1, 2008

Our Bjorklunden (Baileys Harbor, WI) camp enrollment is looking as good as that beautiful lake that beckons us to its shore every summer.

The big-band mix is good, but believe it or not, we could use more sax players–a highly unusual situation. Our current roster is okay, but a couple more sax players–especially one who doubles on bari–would really round things out. We also have room for a couple more trombones, drummers, and maybe one more bass player. Vocalist spots have been closed for months.

Otherwise, we’re ready for another outstanding week on Lake Michigan, starting five weeks from this Sunday!

Jazz at Naz Update–27 Days Out

July 1, 2008

Once again, we can’t believe our good fortune. At every camp, miraculously, the instrumentation for a really solid Tritone big-band seems to materialize out of nowhere.

This year is no exception. The once-puny trumpet section has filled out beautifully and other sections are perfectly balanced. We could use one or two more trombones, but even without, we’re ready for another very cool big-band experience.

Small combos look great, too–plenty of rhythm players at each experience level, and a nice variety of front-line instruments, including a violin and an (gasp!) accordion. We even have two vibes players this year.

And the most exciting recent news is that three full-time vocalists have signed up, and three of our instrumentalists are also interested in doing vocal jazz part-time. Janet Planet will be circling in orbit as usual.

There’s still time to sign up if you’re interested, but there’s no time to waste. Jazz at Naz starts three weeks from Sunday!

Jazz at Naz Status–2 Months Out

May 27, 2008

It’s exactly two months from opening night of Jazz at Naz, and here’s a rundown of how the instrumentation is working out for big band and combos. In short, it looks terrific!

At this point, 28 intrepid souls have signed up. We’re delighted that we currently have enough pianists, guitarists, bass players and drummers to support full rhythm sections in all combos. But the more sign up, the more–and smaller–combos we can form, and the more personal attention you’ll receive.

We’re very surprised that we currently have only one trumpeter enrolled, but that will change soon. It’s a sure bet that at least three more trumpeters will want to spend the week in the company of an outstanding teacher/player/composer like Clay Jenkins.

Also surprisingly, we could actually use a couple more sax players! We have a full big band section, including two baritone players, but as most saxophonists will agree, the more the merrier.

We’re also delighted to welcome not one but two vibes players to Naz. This is going to be great fun!

But still no vocalists, which is really puzzling.

In summary, things are looking great. If you’re fence-sitting, it’s time to jump off and sign up. As you know, we’re committed to maximizing every camper’s opportunity for personal attention and a great experience, so as soon as we’ve got a great balance, we’ll shut off registrations. Register today to make sure you’re not left out. It’s easy–just click here.

See you in about 60 days.

Got a vocal question? Sing it out!

May 1, 2008

As you struggle to build your full- or part-time career as a vocalist, you’re going to have questions: How do I make myself better? What should I practice? What qualities should I look for in a teacher? How can I get that first gig? What’s the best way to find accompanists and collaborators? When do I know it’s time to record?

Now there’s a place to get authoritative answers, absolutely free. Our favorite vocal teacher, Janet Planet, is now offering an “ask page,” where you can post your most pressing vocal questions. Just go to and type it in. Janet will aggregate and categorize the questions and offer the answers in a “teleseminar” that you’ll be invited to.

Ask anything you’d like. No question is going to surprise Janet, whose career spans nearly 30 years and dozens of genres–jazz, rock, blues, gospel, Christian, jingles and more. Click here now for the page and her audio explanation of what to expect. She’s an excellent teacher and a wonderful resource for anyone who’s curious enough–and who cares enough–to ask.