What a Testimonial! Thanks, Bruce.

Our campers often say great things about their experience, but rarely this expansive or expressive. We think Bruce really liked the experience.

Hi, Bob.

I am sure you are receiving many responses of feedback as allowed by the forms you provided. My feedback is simple. From my perspective, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” applies. I should stop here, but I can’t. I “gotta explain”.

Would you please foward this email, in its entirety, to the faculty for me?

Every aspect of my recent camp experience, from early arrival to departure, was positive. I take my musical development seriously, and Tritone Fantasy Camp exceeded my expectations. The camp provides an ideal balance of social interaction, education, and the creation of the best music a camp has to offer. It manages to accomplish this in an atmosphere of a relaxed, comfortable schedule wherein each camper makes his own decisions as to which class (or classes) to attend. Although the camp is structured, this flexibility allows the camper to avail him or herself to any of the great classes and music experiences provided. In my case, this was extremely valuable. The opportunity to “gig out” in a public venue was an exciting bonus!

After attending the first Gordon Goodwin Jazz Camp, followed by four consecutive years at Aebersold, I can say, at least from my perspective, Tritone has become my first choice for a summer vacation/jazz education experience.

Many campers were impressed that the big band learned five charts in four days, performed on Thursday night, and had a blast. Clay Jenkins was absolutely marvelous as director, and my dreams literally came true when I found myself playing first tenor in the company of so many fantastic musicians. Clay’s approach to directing was spot-on, positive, accurate, and effective.  His energy, skills, and attitude were major driving forces behind our success. What a great guy and great musician!

Ike Sturm was exemplary, providing us with a combo experience that not only taught, but actually trained us to use our senses and to communicate more effectively with each other in our music. It was a dream come true – to participate in an all-adult combo, directed by a skilled, talented, wonderful human being who has a gift for helping developing musicians. As you already know, Ike is one heck of a nice family man, infusing the experience with expertise and his contagious enthusiasm. Again, what a thrill to be taught by, and play with, the very guy who composed Jazz Mass! Heck, I bought a cd from him on the spot! I will visit his church sometime within the year.

The theory class, taught by the inimitable Jim Doser, was, without doubt, the single best theory class I have attended. His system, understanding of the learning process of non-majors like myself, and clear, concise explanations were outstanding. What a great personality, great instructor/performer, and great person. Jim was able to identify and describe the essential components of improv and theory in such a way that it became practical, rather than merely theoretical. Like the other faculty, he also greeted campers by name, making us feel that we were “included” in the “family”. This is one characteristic that you won’t find in the larger camps.

Dariusz Terefenko’s piano class was one of my choices as an “option”, given that I have played piano for years, although only by “ear”, and with very limited technical facility. Dariusz presented an absolutely fantastic approach to teaching that caught and held my attention every single minute. His entire teaching style was wonderful, and he demonstrated, just as Jim had in his classes, each critical element, for us to see and hear. I was thrilled to learn how to practice and what to practice, and was motivated to continue to develop keyboard skills. Dariusz was so supportive, even for my beginning level of expertise, and this is something that I had not experienced in any prior camp. Dariusz is also very communicative and socially adept, perhaps unusual in someone so cognitively advanced! As a piano enthusiast, I was of course listening to his expert playing during the concerts. If I lived in your area, I would be begging to purchase classes and/or individual lessons from Dariusz!

Darmon Meader, an absolutely astounding sax player, vocalist, and arranger, added so much to the camp experience! I was thrilled to have the opportunity to speak with Darmon, experience his performances, and to listen to his ideas about music, the industry, and music education. I hope his schedule allows him to return next year. His combo class members were effusive with praise relative to his approach to vocal and jazz training, and the results of his class were obvious in the combo performances. Darmon was very supportive and involved in the development of his students, and this was particularly obvious to all of the campers. What a thrill to experience Darmon as a person and as an artist!  I hope he chooses to return next year.

Kristen Shiner-McGuire was the penultimate choice for a first-class, first-class-of-the-day experience. What a fantastic, energetic, sincere, wonderful woman is Kristen. Her classes were extremely useful in promoting awareness of rhythms and beats. She also was available for any specific questions and concerns outside of class, and she is another marvelous human being with an inner spirit of love and support that underlies any great musician. Her command of that drumset was obvious, even though we did not get to see her play very much! My goal for next year is to encourage her to play some mallet ‘stuff’ for us as well.

I did get to introduce myself to Rich Thompson, to tell him how impressed I am with his drumset skills and musicianship. Another great guy! He plays so well, and I am sure anyone in his classes is a fortunate student. He has a “real personality” and it shows in his expert and expressive playing style.

Mark Kellogg’s playing was fantastic, but I did not get a chance to talk with him! I played high school trombone, but his high level of expertise makes it sound like a totally different instrument from the one I played. I could hear the classical and the jazz styles embodied in his sound, which was, again, fantastic and soaring. His tone production alone is worth the price of admission!

Gene Bertoncini, with his fame, his accomplishments, and his expertise, is one of the warmest, kindest human beings on the planet. His concert performances, his personality, and his very presence made the entire camp experience even more worthwhile. He literally brought some of us to tears with his Skylark accompaniment and solo work, and having Darmon’s treatment of the song just made it all the more dazzling. To experience two masters perform this great song was beyond description. Gene’s sense of humor is also evident, as is his compelling, infectious zest for life. His combo class, and the entire camp, love him dearly and have a very deep respect for his skills as a musician. I honestly think Gene will remember me, even next year, and that means a great deal to me.

Tom Hampson is obviously an expert regarding jazz history,  performers, performances, and personalities. His listening class provided me with some tunes I had not heard, even as a frequent flyer of Real Jazz and the Sinatra Channel on XM Radio. I enjoyed the Basie evening particularly, and wish I had had more energy at 3 PM to attend every one of his classes. Tom is also very approachable, and he was quite responsive to questions and comments from campers. His class adds a lot to camp, and I look forward to speaking with him again next year. Yet another “great guy” in this world of Tritone.

Finally, Bob DeRosa. Bob, you were my first contact, and although we only interacted via email, I immediately sensed that you are a past master at organization, marketing, sincerity, and that you have a great grasp of human beings. Your communication skills are advanced, and you are a constant organizational force. Your response to my inquiries was the major reason I decided to attend Tritone’s Jazz at Naz. The camp, without you, would not be what it is. You are constantly watching, asking questions, being helpful, and making efforts to make sure each camper has a positive experience. I have to say, I think you are also a great guy, and your skills are obvious. The fact that you are also an accomplished musician adds to your effectiveness. You have achieved meaningful success in life that many others would envy, and your personality is first-rate!

In summary,  my “after-camp reflections” include the fact that I feel that I have made some new and perhaps lasting friendships, with fellow campers, who also made this experience spectacular, and with some accomplished, professional musicians and educators whom I admire so much. I want to emphasize just how important your efforts are – you impact the lives of the campers who have the opportunity to experience Jazz at Naz. Your approaches are very effective in encouraging us to practice, to grow, and to return next year.

Thanks to each of you from the bottom of my heart.

Your Friend in Jazz,

Bruce Henderson

2 Responses to What a Testimonial! Thanks, Bruce.

  1. Louis Nocilly says:

    Pretty damn eloquent for a bald,Southerner.All seriousness aside,you hit the proverbial nail on the head.It was great meeting you and sharing our saxual experience.Hope to see you next year.
    Lou,the sax playing accordionist…(not at the same time).

  2. Tom Blau says:

    Bruce commends almost everyone with a pulse at Tritone, which makes all the more conspicuous his silence about his loyal roommates in Apt 450 — Jim, Maurice and yes Tom — we who taught and nurtured him all that time, and this is our thanks . . . I guess we weren’t saxy enough . . . Maybe it was the Mace, Lou.

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