Jim Doser’s Top Ten Events From Jazz @ Naz 2010!

August 7, 2010

It is hard to believe how much fun can be packed into one week of jazz!  For me, Tritone’s Jazz @ Naz was perhaps the best ever. Here is my top ten list:

  1. Getting reacquainted with all of our long time returning campers and hearing the tremendous improvement in everyone.
  2. Working with an incredible big band this year!
  3. Lorenzo Simpson’s killer solo on Maiden Voyage!
  4. Dariusz Terefenko’s solo concert, which never ceases to amaze me!
  5. A first-of-its-kind accordion duo!
  6. The Montreal Triple Threat of Pauline, Cynthia and Marie-Claude!
  7. Meeting, for the first time but not the last, Pastor Jeremias!
  8. Seeing you all relax, play and have fun at the Strathallan!
  9. The great dueling trumpet solos from Glenn and Dan at the combo concert!
  10. And last but not least – seeing Larry Priori breathe again!

Wishing you all a great fall and winter and look forward to seeing you next year!



Nice Janet Planet Interview

August 7, 2010

Is NYC ready for The Planet?  If you’re anywhere near Feinstein’s on August 13 or 14, do yourself a favor and find out.
