Tritone Mourns Loss of Four Wonderful Campers

In 2009, four of our favorite campers have left us wanting more.

Joe Sillato was a unique personality and an incomparable singer.  Carle Porter was one of the kindest, gentlest, and funniest men the world will ever know. Jack Cooley was a pianist and a gentleman extraordinaire.  Clem Biddle was a vocalist/trumpeter who will never be imitated or replicated.  All died much too soon, with too many tunes unexplored.

Vocal faculty member Janet Planet, who worked closely with Clem Biddle every summer, was moved to write the following touching tribute to him.

The first time I met him, I knew he was going to be a handful.

A handful of spunk
A handful of knowledge
A handful of opinions
A handful of humor
A handful of talent
A handful of kindness
A handful of support
A handful of quirky songs
A handful of musicianship
A handful of theatrical
A handful of tenderness

In the last five years at camp, Clem became the teacher.  One who waited with patience for his turn.  One who always made us laugh, and one who encouraged the nerves out of the “newbies.”

I loved it  when he took my direction.  But I knew that no matter what I said, he was going to do it his way. That’s really what we all wanted anyway.

But I will say, with a little coaxing, it didn’t take long before the true Clem was exposed.

Rehearsals are always the best.  The last one before the performance, in front of the other singers, usually in a sweaty room, “it” happens–the perfect performance, where all the technique is used as a simple vehicle to express yourself through song.  We call it working the small muscles in order to speak the large muscle–the heart.

I have memories of moments from  every year spent with Clem.  One of  those moments was when Clem very gently sang “Waltz For Debby.”  Clem had two sides to his performances: the “tongue in cheek” and the ballads.   I personally couldn’t wait to hear the soft, resonant, and very honest voice of the true Clem during the ballads.

He made me cry every year at least once.

And, every year, at least once, I was reminded why I love Clem.

I’ll see you on the other side, my friend, and we’ll play again.


Our hearts go out to Joe’s, Carle’s, Jack’s and Clem’s families, who will always remain in our thoughts.

3 Responses to Tritone Mourns Loss of Four Wonderful Campers

  1. Gary Thompson says:

    The news of Clem’s death leaves me with a heavy heart. I was looking forward to seeing him again this year. He was, indeed, a very intelligent and entertaining gentleman.

    Gary Thompson

  2. Joe Tondu says:

    Man … Tritone without Clem — serious drag. An inimitable character. Jack Cooley was at my first couple Tritones and will be missed too.

  3. How sad to hear of Clem’s passing, and what a beautiful piece from Janet. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of all three campers.

    We can’t make Tritone this year because our older daughter (Kristi) was married last weekend and there is a reception in his home state of Washington that we are attending. Have a great time, and I will try to check in every so often to make sure the trombone players don’t get too corrupted.


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