Thanks, Jazz at Nazzers!

Wow, what an experience you created!

And we mean it. Tritone camps are all about what you bring to them, and to Naz this year, you brought a ton–talent, curiosity, humor, modesty, and great good will that filled the place with good feeling and great sounds.

It’s always a joy for us to see old friends return, as so many of you do. And the joy is compounded by introduction to new jazzers, who begin the week as strangers and leave as friends.

You are a terrific bunch of people. And thanks to Gena, who volunteered to compile the e-mail list, you’ll be able to stay in touch all year. That list will be distributed in the next couple days.

Try to keep the magic going at home. With your newfound confidence in your own abilities, seek out others who share your passion for this great music and collaborate. That’s what it’s all about.

Thank you for being so great to work with. You made it a wonderful week for us.

Jim, Bob, and (in absentia), Fred

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