Jazz at Naz Status–2 Months Out

May 27, 2008

It’s exactly two months from opening night of Jazz at Naz, and here’s a rundown of how the instrumentation is working out for big band and combos. In short, it looks terrific!

At this point, 28 intrepid souls have signed up. We’re delighted that we currently have enough pianists, guitarists, bass players and drummers to support full rhythm sections in all combos. But the more sign up, the more–and smaller–combos we can form, and the more personal attention you’ll receive.

We’re very surprised that we currently have only one trumpeter enrolled, but that will change soon. It’s a sure bet that at least three more trumpeters will want to spend the week in the company of an outstanding teacher/player/composer like Clay Jenkins.

Also surprisingly, we could actually use a couple more sax players! We have a full big band section, including two baritone players, but as most saxophonists will agree, the more the merrier.

We’re also delighted to welcome not one but two vibes players to Naz. This is going to be great fun!

But still no vocalists, which is really puzzling.

In summary, things are looking great. If you’re fence-sitting, it’s time to jump off and sign up. As you know, we’re committed to maximizing every camper’s opportunity for personal attention and a great experience, so as soon as we’ve got a great balance, we’ll shut off registrations. Register today to make sure you’re not left out. It’s easy–just click here.

See you in about 60 days.

Got a vocal question? Sing it out!

May 1, 2008

As you struggle to build your full- or part-time career as a vocalist, you’re going to have questions: How do I make myself better? What should I practice? What qualities should I look for in a teacher? How can I get that first gig? What’s the best way to find accompanists and collaborators? When do I know it’s time to record?

Now there’s a place to get authoritative answers, absolutely free. Our favorite vocal teacher, Janet Planet, is now offering an “ask page,” where you can post your most pressing vocal questions. Just go to www.askjanetplanet.com and type it in. Janet will aggregate and categorize the questions and offer the answers in a “teleseminar” that you’ll be invited to.

Ask anything you’d like. No question is going to surprise Janet, whose career spans nearly 30 years and dozens of genres–jazz, rock, blues, gospel, Christian, jingles and more. Click here now for the page and her audio explanation of what to expect. She’s an excellent teacher and a wonderful resource for anyone who’s curious enough–and who cares enough–to ask.